ITICO was founded on March 24th, 1982, in the Turks and Caicos Islands.
We have a comprehensive insurance license granted by the Financial Services Comission (FSC), to underwrite all lines of group life and property and casualty insurance.

Our strength is the ability to develop custom made risk transfer solutions for our clients. We rely on our proven track record in risk management, with excellent profitability and loss experience ratios.

We are a member of an economic group with a financial solvency and experience for more than three decades in different industries, including insurance and reinsurance, risk management, financial services, real estate and foreign trade, among others.

Our representative offices are located in Panama City, duly registered with the Superintendence of Insurance and Reinsurance of Panama, to operate as a Foreign Reinsurance Company as regulated by Agreement No. 04 of December 13th, 2012.

With more than 35 years in the reinsurance market, ITICO has been characterized for maintaining excellent business relations with the different insurance companies, providing coverages for Group Life, Third Party Liability, Fire, Marine Insurance, Miscellaneous Risks, among others.


• We offer risk transfer solutions with innovation and professionalism
• We offer confidence, solvency and reasonable profitability to shareholders with
motivated and trained team of professionals
• We seek constant efficiency in operations and processes


• Reinsurer with an international scope offering customized products for specific
insurance niches